Sunday, August 22, 2010


Name of Project Manager: Dieudonne Irankunda.

Project Title: Youth Against HIV and AIDS 2011.

Project Location: Musanze district, Northern Province, Rwanda.

Project duration:

Total project Cost in USA $:

Project Background/ Need Statement/ Problem Analysis:
My project will operate in Musanze, a developing city in the Northern Province of Rwanda. The city is one among the densely populated in the country having a high number of youth living there. My project is aimed at addressing the issue of ignorance about HIV and AIDS which leads young people to contract HIV and AIDS and face its negative consequences.
Because of ignorance about HIV and AIDS the youth in Musanze district are vulnerable to contracting HIV and AIDS because of economic weakness. Because of economic weakness the students in Musanze district often become soft targets to the rich old people. Here the old people lead these students into sex in exchange of the money which the student’s parents can not afford for the students to buy expensive fashion clothes. More to that the youth in Musanze district are vulnerable to contracting HIV and AIDS because of the culture of sharing in this area. Here in Musanze district people including the youth can share things up to the point of sharing sharp skin piercing instruments like razor blades and more worse in cultural practices like circumcision where knives are shared and used repeatedly to treat people.
Although some measures to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS have been put in place in Musanze district like Adverts on the radios and Notices put in public places like the hospitals, there is still need to involve the youth especially the high school students in the people to be sensitized about HIV and AIDS. This is because they are among the people who are vulnerable to contract HIV and AIDS which the project Youth Against HIV and AIDS has taken the initiative to do.

Baseline Project Information:
We shall obtain the accurate information about how much the high school students know about HIV and AIDS before the project’s actions by sending questionnaires to the schools around Musanze district. At each school two questionnaires will be filled students; one from O- level and another from A-level. Then the findings shall be documented and will be later used when making the project’s evaluation.

Project Summary Description:
With the view that high school students in Musanze district have limited knowledge about HIV and AIDS, Youth Against HIV and AIDS 2011 has taken initiative to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS among high school students in Musanze district.
The project will approach these students by having an educating session about HIV and AIDS plus a training session about raising awareness about HIV and AIDS where 35 students’ representatives will attend the event. And also the project will sponsor the Anti Aids clubs in Musanze to produce a video song and an audio song about HIV and AIDS.

Project Goal/Aim:
The aim of the project Youth Against HIV and AIDS 2011 is to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS among the high school students in Musanze district.

Project Objectives: Our smart objectives are;
1. To hold a one day event in 2011 high school students holidays of July to August which will gather 35 students representatives from high schools around Musanze district who will be educated about HIV and AIDS and trained to raise awareness on this very issue in order for them to help raise awareness about HVI and AIDS in their schools.

2. Provided that most schools in Musanze district have Ant Aids clubs, prepare a competition where the clubs will compete in order to sponsor the team with the best song about HIV and AIDS produce an audio song about HIV and AIDS and select students from all clubs who will be sponsored to produce a video song about HIV and AIDS.

3. Make the actions of Youth Against HIV and AIDS 2011 and our message of raising awareness about HIV and AIDS known to the public and youth in other districts through the media (a newspaper).

Project Activities: Our key activities;

1. Educating our participants about HIV and AIDS. Here 35 participants will be educated about the causes of HIV and AIDS and it’s consequences on the individual level by medical personnel and it’s consequences on the society and the country level shall be taught by a local government officer. This shall also include activities like film screening.
2. Training our participants about how to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS so that they gain the skills they will need in order to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS in their schools.
3. The clubs competition. This clubs activity will gather Anti Aids clubs from around Musanze district where they will compete and the club with the best song about HIV and AIDS will be sponsored to produce their song in the studio.

Project Beneficiaries:
Our project beneficiaries are high school students; boys and girls within the group of 12-20 years from Musanze district, Northern Province, Rwanda. These are students who are among the vulnerable groups that contract HIV and AIDS and have little knowledge about HIV and AIDS. These students are vulnerable to contract HIV and AIDS because they are soft targets of the old people who promise to give them money in exchange of sexual intercourse. In addition they are vulnerable to HIV and AIDS through social sharing of sharp skin piercing instruments and in practices like circumcision. Therefore by raising awareness about HIV and AIDS these students they will gain knowledge which help them to make informed decisions to prevent against HIV and AIDS.

Target Community input:
The target community input of the project; Youth Against HIV/AIDS 2011 is Musanze district. This community will contribute the following to the project.
- A room where the training and education session will take place.
- A hall where the competitions will take place.
- The district will contribute educators who will help to run the education session.

Community Participation and Collaboration:
The target community was involved in shaped the project; Youth Against HIV and AIDS by contributing ideas. Here the high school students gave a proposal that a project which can involve young people in raising awareness about HIV and AIDS to fellow students would be more effective in passing out the message to the youth. In addition the elders in the community proposed that the project to be successful would require experts on the issue to first educate the students. Where both of these views were incorporated in the project.
The community’s role in the project will be:
- High school students in Musanze district participating in the project as people who will be trained and educated about HIV and AIDS.
- Working with the district people and other people from the organizations like centre Dushishoze who will help the project team to run the educating session and the clubs competition.

Our project; Youth Agaisnt HIV/AIDS 2011 is a new project which is student lead and non profit seeking. The project has included new ways to help the high school students acquire knowledge about HIV and AIDS these ways include; training high school students who will help educate their fellow students about HIV and AIDS by raising awareness about this issue in their schools, and sponsoring the high school students club to produce a song about HIV and AIDS which will help to spread the message about HIV and AIDS.

Project Outcome:
Our project output will have impact to the targeted group: high school students around Musanze district. The project will make the high school students aware of the pandemic HIV and AIDS and consequently will take informed decisions about their lives.

Project sustainability:
Our short project has put in place methods which will ensure that the project’s gains and vision are maintained long after the projects completion. By spreading of the message about HIV and AIDS by the students participants in our project in their respective schools, the message about HIV and AIDS will be passed on to students in their schools.

Project Partnerships:
Our project will work with medical personnel to educate the participants about causes and effects of HIV and AIDS to an individual and the local government by having a local government officer present in our education session where this officer will educate the participants about HIV and AIDS consequences to the society.

The private enterprise which shall work with our project is a studio. This studio will bring the Sound systems which shall help in voice projections during the trainings and the competition of the clubs in singing, and will also help in the film screening.

We shall also work with Aid for Smiles an international youth lead organization as a youth group which shall help us to get a documentary movie plus a booklet containing information about HIV and AIDS. These materials shall act as learning aids to high school students.

In addition we shall work with a faith based organization; Son rise high school, a school found by the EER Shyira Diocese (protestant church). They will lend us a room where the educating and training sessions of the participants will take place.

More to that our project will collaborate with Centre Dushishoze an Anti Aids youth centre to get their main hall where the clubs competition will take place, and which centre we shall have one of their staff during the competition and will act as a judge.

Communication and Sharing:
Our project will communicate and share the outcomes with the community, partners, funders and the public so that any future possible project like ours will not duplicate our services in these ways;
- We shall give our project to the partners and funders whom we shall later present our evaluations results to. This will show these stakeholders the efforts and all the inputs which made our project successful.
- We shall also make sure that the information about our project’s plan, actions, and outcomes are available to the public by sharing this information with the Anti Aids centre for any possible reference.

Mobilizing Support;
We shall mobilize local support from the target schools in Musanze district and the district it’s self by sending them letters asking them to recognize our projects actions and to participate actively in them by sending the students an educators respectively.

As a project manager I will convince other students who are involved in social change at school and in their communities to join the project team by letting them know of the opportunities available like trainings and allowances which will be given to the project team.

I will also provide room for other people to be involved in making a change through our project by allowing the project team members to have another person to assist them in their roles to the project.

Financial Management principles:
Our funds manager will manage the funds of the project according to the budget allocated to certain amounts of money allocated to certain activities in the project. But in cases where there might be changes the whole project members will be notified to agree with other spending amounts.

Funds Raising:
Our project Youth Against HIV and AIDS shall present the project plan to possible funders like CNLS an organization in Rwanda which is responsible to fight against HIV and AIDS. We shall also contact a private studio in Musanze district which might give support to our project by granting us a free song production about HIV and AIDS.


1 comment:

  1. The issue you are gonna work on, really needs the attention of our youth in specific.
    Best of luck for your project :)
